Monday, September 28, 2020

NewsWatch TV - Paid Media for Small Businesses

While paid media campaigns are an effective marketing tool for companies looking to drive sales and raise brand awareness, it’s often reserved for larger companies with a marketing budget that has its own chauffeur.

It usually costs an ungodly amount of money to even consider advertising on TV, even in the paid content sphere. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a closed door for small businesses. There’s a way for small- to medium-sized businesses to advertise on TV through a paid content show that works almost entirely with businesses of that size.

 NewsWatch TV Reviews has been going strong for a good 30 years, focusing on advertising for smaller clients who typically aren’t able to muster up the bread for TV advertising. Their early-morning show airs on both AMC and ION and features a run of promotional segments that review the client’s unique product or service. The show beams out to millions of households throughout the U.S. and in every major TV market. With national exposure like that, you’d think they would charge the kind of dough that usually accompanies that type of access. The thing is, they don’t.

Looking into a few client cases and checking out the numbers, you can see that they’re charging a very reasonable rate that fits into nearly anyone’s budget. The reason they’re able to charge affordable rates is because NewsWatch covers the broadcast costs, which is where a lot of the money is typically eaten up.

NewsWatch works with a large variety of clients with products and offerings that stretch across a vast landscape. Their usual bread and butter fall into the category of tech. These include companies with new and innovative products and services that fit into a niche that might be interesting to their audience. 

They even launched a special segment of their show, AppWatch, that focuses on new and exciting apps that are either convenient and useful or just plain fun.

So as far as small businesses go, they don’t have to rely solely on small digital marketing campaigns and direct mailings. There’s a TV option available to them, with a large national audience that tunes in regularly.

You can find out more by visiting 

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