Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Working with NewsWatch TV

Everyone knows NewsWatch TV and its reputation as a go-to media outlet for the coolest and newest tech gadgets. What many might not know is that they work closely with the companies behind the nifty gadgets and tech products they highlight on their show. A typical NewsWatch episode consists of paid and unpaid reviews. The paid reviews are produced as part of a partnership between the company and NewsWatch. To give you some insight, we’re going to go through the general process by which a NewsWatch segment is produced and highlight a couple of real examples from companies that have worked with the media company. 

When a client hires NewsWatch, they typically start the process of creating a review segment by holding a meeting. In this meeting, the company lays out exactly what they’re looking for and briefs the NewsWatch team on exactly what their product or service can do. This is where NewsWatch gets a close look at the company and the product and, if possible, they get hands-on time with it. From there the meeting notes are passed onto the production team whereby they conduct some of their own research and produce a quality video reviewing the product or service. This video segment is then aired during a NewsWatch episode on either AMC or ION to a national audience.


When a company hires NewsWatch TV reviewsthey usually have a goal in mind. Avanca hired them to help promote their Indiegogo campaign and raise funds. The campaign was a huge success. They raised over $450,000 in a 30-day period, which was 2,939% of their goal. “We [worked with] NewsWatch and it was one of the main reasons why the crowdfunding project was successful,” Avanca’s Marketing Director said of the experience. “We highly recommend working with the NewsWatch team.”

Saygus had a similar experience with their Indiegogo campaign. They set a $300,000 goal and with the help of their NewsWatch segment, blew that out of the water, raising over $1.3 million. “It’s really important to get the right message, delivered in the right way, at the right time, to the right medium, and NewsWatch was able to that excellently,” Saygus Vice President, Tim Rush, said. “I would highly recommend NewsWatch.” That’s just a small glimpse into the NewsWatch process and the results possible when choosing a professional and affordable TV marketing campaign.

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